6 replies »

  1. Hi! Is there going to be a Dutch translation of part 2? And if so when will it be available? My son has read the Bell Between Worlds (in dutch) and its his favorite book. He would love to know how the story continues…


    • Hi Jacqueline,

      Thank you so much for getting in touch and for letting me know that your son enjoyed The Bell Between Worlds. Believe it or not I don’t know myself if and when book two is being translated, as responsibility for the series in the Netherlands has passed between publishing houses. I have asked my UK publisher to find out and I will let you know as soon as I hear.

      Best wishes, Ian


      • Hi Ian, thank you for your reply. I hope it will be translated. Its a great story. Thank you so much for asking your UK publisher. If it is not going to be translated, I will have to put my son on a crash course English. 🙂
        Best wishes to you too,
        Jacqueline (Also from my son)


  2. I fell in love with the first 2 books.
    I can’t find the release date of the third book.
    I hope it will be soon!


    • Thanks for your comment, Sebastiaan – I am so glad you enjoyed the first two books.
      I am pleased to say that the third book is written and in editorial, and I am hoping to have an announcement on publication dates very soon…
      Best wishes, Ian


      • Thank you for the reply.
        I was hoping for this answer, it made my day.
        I will be waiting for the announcement.
        Till that time i hope you and your family stay healthy.


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