The Tythish

Read a deleted scene from the first draft of CIRCLES OF STONE, describing Sylas and Simia’s terrifying encounter with Thoth’s city guards…


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“Fast paced from the off, the story has action throughout with chases across both realms, and monsters created with such penmanship that they leap out the page at the reader… Young fantasy readers are going to love this series…”

Our Book Reviews Online

CIRCLES OF STONE: “Part two of an epic quest to save two worlds: thrilling, beautifully written…a huge, exciting book, full of engrossing ideas about freedom, justice and relationships, and many a young reader will love the chance to really delve deeply into such a well-constructed, highly original fantasy.”

THE BELL BETWEEN WORLDS: “Dramatic and with perils that are both real and colourfully described. Highly recommended.”

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